Saturday, August 20, 2011


Hmm… Coming back to my box after a long time. Just thought to share a few instincts, ideas and of course feelings. Sailing through the low high tides of life and learning to swim better to have a perfect personal, professional, social and communal relation. Yes, still learning Urdu, English and many more languages to write better, if you read more you can write a lot.

Well, this year I have been flooded with ideas, as a proof or evidence you can check Meri Shayeri… here in this blog, posted more than 100 poems. Some are the result of socio-communal factors, some are of personal likes and dislikes and some are compelled by love and agony.

Currently, translating a book titled, “Islam, Peace and other Religions” into English, originally authored by Abdur Rehman Anjaria in Urdu. At the moment travelling through Iran where Alexandra of Macedonia have attacked the Zoroastrian land, have been into the Arian battlefields, Arabian deserts, many mythologies and legends. And really loving the work, learning how the civilizations evolved.

Prior to it translated another book titled “Abhinay Arpan – Performing Arts, Drama and Aesthetics”, authored by Imran Merchant and Latafat Hussain Qazi in English, it is the syllabus book for IPTA, learnt so much about the performing arts, dance, solo, group performances, rasas its history, aesthetics of drama, regional dramas, different genres, with it also learnt about the role of Natiyaveda and Natiyashastra, the popular culture, the cultures of Bengal, MP, UP, AP and Maharashtra, the role of dialects and many more. Well, my duty was to convert it into Urdu but still struggling to get my due credit, let’s see how it goes on….

While I was translating Abhinay Arpan, the guide for drama enthusiasts a real drama began in the nation. Guess… Anna… ohh , not Anna Kournikova! The beautiful tennis player of Russia but another Anna of Ralegaon Siddhi, India. The so called aandhi and new age Gandhi. Anna is said to be fighting for the common man and is struggling against corruption. He is fighting for Janlokpal Bill (Ombudsman, which first came in Sweden in 1809 A.D.). Anna is in the mid 70’s of his life and is a fine example of how an old man can explore life and become Messiah within no time. The blind citizens’ who are waiting for a reliever since independence finds their hero in Anna, and popularity is just increasing with every moment. The TV media is barking 24X7 about his whereabouts.

Basically the entire game is played by media which is in a bid to make more TRP are turning Anna into god. The media has enforced its all the theories in garnering more TRP’s, be it the Mass Society perspective, Magic Bullet theory and the Uses and Gratification view point. First it created hype about an old man, retired army officer, an activist fighting for social cause and created curiosity amongst the masses, and then implemented the Magic Bullet or Hypodermic needle theory, when the entire drama began in Delhi, which created uproar in the masses. And now, the people are fan of Anna, they think he is the man sent by god, who will free them from moral ailments and the corrupt politician. The newborns are being named ANNA! Now, the public just wants to watch Anna as the rule of UGT says, it’s showing what viewers want.

Behind every successful man there is a woman but there is no woman in Anna’s life. However there are RSS, BJP and entire Sangh Parivar at Anna’s back. Anna is fooling the masses, who are blindly supporting a hidden communal and political agenda! They are using all the mediums, TV, print and Web. Anna declares it a Gandhian movement and the irony is some of the Anna supporters are abusing Gandhi on Facebook. Gandhi, the father of the nation and the so called ideal of Anna. The saffron brigade with all its Baba’s and Sri Sri’s is on its feet to destabilize the Union politics. The sole objective is to bring BJP back in power.

‎The youth, which is on roads today, is not even aware what Jan lokpal is all about. The so-called intellectuals have not given a read to draft. Even Anna Hazare himself have not read the so called civil society’s Bill as it is drafted in English and unfortunately Anna is not aware of the language. He is talking what Bhushan’s and Kejriwal are telling to him. But in reality, the Jan Lokpal Bill for all its good intention, is an extremely flawed and dangerous piece of legislation. It seeks to create an extremely autocratic super powerful centralized institution, which doesn't sit well with basic principles of democracy... What Anna Hazare campaign is fighting is the centralization of power in government. Why then is it seeking to centralize power within itself?

Here, we must look for a better candidate who is struggling for social causes since longtime not the communal agents. There are many names that are neglected but as my friend Arpita suggested one, why not Iram Shormilla? Can Anna keep a fast for more than ten years. We ignored Irom sharmila because she is not able to attract so much of media attention like the RSS backed anti corruption gang. Some people are claiming that its second freedom struggle and those ‎who don't support Anna are traitors. I am not with Anna, am I a traitor then?

Well, as the people are assuming and the perception provided by Anna and the gang is anti corruption movement, if we really want to kill the corruption, we must start from home. We should not pay bribe to Babu’s and Police. We don’t need to give donations in institutions so then a better candidate can be selected. Self practice is a must then only after a period we will be able to eradicate the corruption.

Apart from all this holy month of Ramzan is going on so fasting like always. Just had Sehri (the early morning breakfast) its dawn right now and I really need some sleep. Looking for a better full time job in media as well, hope I get that soon. And I know you are going to scold at me for waking up whole night, yeah I was busy translating apart from this note. And you are there to take care of me, thanks for all your love and care. Here with closing sentence just feel it, “Darling! I love you” muaaaaaaaah.


Anonymous said...

Mashallah... wat a closing line in halat of roza....distributing muaaahs.... not accepted.

Asim Khan said...

Dear Anonymous,

Please mention your name. There is no physical touch while writing muah here.. neither its been given with physical intention. then whats wrong? hunh!

Anonymous said...

This is a blogspot and i can only hold you responsible for ur writings....whereas when it comes to physical intentions i wont be there when you will practice it.So dont give me that reason your counterattacks are going against your philosophy.

Asim Khan said...

@ Anonymous...


please mention ur name first, then only we can discuss anything.. wats wrong in sharing ur name here...!